Welcome to Point of Woods Homes Association (Point of Woods 1 & 2) located in Manassas Virginia. Take some time to look around, catch up on the latest HOA news, check out the community calendar, or brush up on HOA guidelines.
NEW HANG TAGS FOR 2022 - We will start distributing new hang tags as of Monday, November 29th. Please refer to your Fall Newsletter for more info or call AMV.
VIEW THE LATEST NEWSLETTER here If you would like to receive the newsletter and other information by email please email Nikki Ebert at nikki@pointofwoodshoa.com with your email address.
HOLIDAY DECORATING CONTEST - Its November... time to start thinking about the Holidays! We want to see lights. Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa and everything in between. Show us your best holiday decorating skills and see if you can win one of our prizes ($100, $75 and $50 Visa). There will also be a City Wide Contest in addition to the HOA contest.
HALLOWEEN DECORATING CONTEST WINNERS! Here are the results to our first annual halloween decorating contest. We hope to see many more houses next year!
1st Place ($100 gift card) - 8594 Liberia Avenue
2nd Place ($75 gift card) - 8363 Shady Grove Cir.
3rd Place ($50 gift card) - 8493 Stonewall Rd.
BladeRunners New Residential Webstore - Need help with your yard maintenance? As an added bonus to our HOA Bladerunners offers a full range of services to individual residents in our community. From mowing to full service, pick what services you want. Visit their webstore and select Point of Woods as your property at: https://www.blade-runners.com/services-store/
TRASH AND RECYCLING COLLECTION FOR THE HOLIDAYS - Please be advised that the following schedule will be in place for the upcoming holidays:
All HOA EVENTS ARE CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE - Board members and managment will continue to communicate via email/phone. ARC applications can still be approved via email. HOA dues still need to be paid.
This is a difficult time for everyone. Please be kind to each other. If you have an elderly neighbor check in and make sure they're ok. Stay safe.
If you have any questions/concerns feel free to call/email AMV or email the board.
TRASH - Improperly stored/set out trash is becoming a problem again. Help us keep our neighborhood clean. Please read our trash guidelines here.
NEED TO GET RID OF A TV? The city of Manassas now collects TV's and computer monitor curbside on Thursdays. There is no charge. Just call the Trashline at 703-257-8252 to schedule for Thursday pickup. Place your TV on the curb IN FRONT OF YOUR HOME. You must call by Wednesday at 2pm. TV's and computer monitors WILL NOT be picked up with regular trash. You must call first and set them out the Wednesday before your pickup. If you have any questions, again call 703-257-8252.
FENCE REPAIRS - If you are doing fence repairs or any other repair that requires the disposal of wood, you need to have someone haul your wood away. You can take it to the Manassas Transfer Station at Quarry Rd. Manassas City will not pick up large amounts of wood or wood over 3ft long and you will be charged for removal.
NEED A TRASH CART OR RECYCLE BIN?Your 1st and 2nd trash cart issued by the city are free of charge. If your trash cart is damaged it can also be replaced free of charge. Recycle bins are always free of charge. Please contact Monica Boehringer, Refuse and Recycling Coordinator at (703) 257-8252 for new or replacement carts.
Upcoming Board Meetings
All meetings are held at 7pm. The location varies between AMV's office and Central Library.
All Meetings cancelled until further notice